
What’s in your cup?

One of the most common questions we get asked here at North Shore is 'what coffee do you use?', followed closely by 'do you roast your own coffee?'. While we'd love to be able to take our product from farm all the way to cup for you lovely people, we currently don't roast our own coffee, but that's no great shame when your beans are supplied by one of the best in the game.

Origin Coffee Roasters out of Cornwall are the guys who supply all of our beans, roasted to perfection every time. Headed by Tom Sobey and founded in 2004, Origin are committed to excellence in your cup and clarity and sustainability in their supply chain. Dealing directly with farmers and farming alliances across the coffee belt, they work around the year to find the best beans to keep your coffee tasting magnificent, while ensuring the best treatment and welfare of their growers.

The coffee that goes in to each of your cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites and everything in between is our very own North Shore blend, crafted by the Origin team to give you that sweet chocolate caramel hit every time, any time of the year.

Made up of beans from South America, which gives our espresso that chocolate caramel goodness, the North Shore Blend mixes beans from three of Origin's long standing direct trade partners. Fernando Lima, The Mierisch Family and Manoel Barbosa Junqueira are all expert producers, and their years of experience come across in the flavours of the blend each and every time we crack open a bag. Sweet, creamy,  and with just a hint of dark fruits, North Shore really is an all round blend. We find it pairs perfectly with steamed milk (or your favourite milk alternative), which brings out the creamy chocolate caramel flavours, but it holds it's own as a black coffee too. Whether you're having a slow pour filter coffee, an americano, or just taking it easy on a weekend and letting the French press do all the hard work, you'll get that same smack of comforting rich flavour, coupled with just a hint of stewed plum sweetness, to set your day off to a good start, whatever the weather.

We're always stocked up with bags of our North Shore blend for you to take home. Grab them whole bean, or ask one of our team to grind them for you. Whether it's for espresso or pour over, french press or moka pot, the crew are on hand to give you brewing tips and help you make every cup at home as good as the ones you come out for!
